Transform your Life with DanceWaves Self-Paced Online Courses

The DanceWaves Experience is Liberating, fun, intimate, playful, revitalizing, tender, and wild!

Learn the I Ching, Gene Keys, and Human Design from the inside out with your body’s innate wisdom.

Whatever wave is moving through you, this course is certain to enhance your Self Love and Core Stability- no matter what story is unfolding in the circumstances of this Great Change.

As you navigate the challenging landscapes of your life and spiritual embodiment-

Here, in the DanceWaves Course, you can safely and deeply connect with all seasons and facets of your body and soul - even the most shadowy ones.

What happens in DanceWaves Self-Paced Courses?

DanceWaves offers leading-edge transmission and course materials

Move through the rhythms of an entire year cycle; harmonizing all the weekly and seasonal transits. The DanceWaves Self-Paced Online Courses include ALL 64 - Codes of your DNA, Hexagrams, and Gene Keys with amazing music and vocal guided prompts.
Engage in a full-bodied method of mastering the full spectrum of the 8 basic elemental energies of life, also known in Daoism as the “BaGua”.

Entirely inspiring, transformational, and FUN!

Each week we embody a new Journey of the Gene Key Wave that week — a transformational path that moves from the shadow frequency to the diving and infinite gift

More ways to embody the DanceWaves course experience:

64 Daily Dance Replays

Choose one or any from the full cycle of Momo's 64 DanceWaves classes that run 60-120 minutes each. 
Move through these rhythms of an entire year cycle; harmonize all the weekly Pulses and seasonal transits. DanceWaves Self-Paced Online Courses include ALL 64 - Codes of YOUR DNA, I Ching Hexagrams, Gene Keys, and Human Design Gates with amazing music and vocal prompts for somatic arts guidance.
Engage in this full-bodied method of mastering the full spectrum of the 8 basic elemental energies of life, also known in Daoism as the BaGua.

DanceWaves Emanation Experience

Sample the DanceWaves Emanation Experience for Free and enjoy a full-bodied introduction

DanceWaves Trinity Course

  • Embrace the challenges of Complexity, Half-Heartedness, and Dishonesty in your life

  • Follow the paths of Simplicity, Commitment, and Intimacy

  • Embody the gifts of Quintessence, Devotion, and Transparency

“Momo’s sessions will greatly help you to transform whatever energy is moving through your body, and come into regular contact with your Core Stability.”
⁓ Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys